Since its inception in Feudo Disisa, we renew every day our commitment to the care of the environment and the protection of the surrounding area, through the adoption of a coordinated system of best practices, based on a production philosophy focused on the promotion of environmental sustainability.

Environmental care

Interventions aimed at the recovery and restoration of ancient structures, the products of an agricultural tradition that has its roots in a millenary history. Strong involvement in the local community of Grisì, through direct and indirect employment in all activities related to wine tourism and the production of wine and oil. Since its inception, Feudo Disisa is committed to the enhancement and preservation of the territory in which it operates.

Protection of biodiversity

The promotion and development of the area has benefited from a significant boost since 1994, when the natural landscape surrounding Lake Poma was declared a protected oasis and sanctuary for its wildlife. Thanks to the enforcement of a hunting ban, the area has been repopulated by numerous bird species: Eurasian wigeons, mallards, pintails, teals, wild geese, coots, grey and white herons, egrets and many more. The oasis is also home to many birds of prey, such as peregrine falcons, buzzards and kestrels. During their seasonal migrations, it is not uncommon to spot white storks, ospreys, glossy ibises and cattle egrets. In winter, the trees on the shores of the lake often become sleeping nests for cormorants. The local flora, thanks in part to a reforestation effort carried out in recent years, consists of eucalyptus, ash, dwarf palms, wild pears, wild olive trees, Aleppo pines, rushes, reeds and black poplar trees.


Since its inception in Feudo Disisa, we renew every day our commitment to the care of the environment and the protection of the surrounding area, through the adoption of a coordinated system of best practices, based on a production philosophy focused on the promotion of environmental sustainability.

Environmental care

Interventions aimed at the recovery and restoration of ancient structures, the products of an agricultural tradition that has its roots in a millenary history. Strong involvement in the local community of Grisì, through direct and indirect employment in all activities related to wine tourism and the production of wine and oil. Since its inception, Feudo Disisa is committed to the enhancement and preservation of the territory in which it operates.

Protection of biodiversity

The promotion and development of the area has benefited from a significant boost since 1994, when the natural landscape surrounding Lake Poma was declared a protected oasis and sanctuary for its wildlife. Thanks to the enforcement of a hunting ban, the area has been repopulated by numerous bird species: Eurasian wigeons, mallards, pintails, teals, wild geese, coots, grey and white herons, egrets and many more. The oasis is also home to many birds of prey, such as peregrine falcons, buzzards and kestrels. During their seasonal migrations, it is not uncommon to spot white storks, ospreys, glossy ibises and cattle egrets. In winter, the trees on the shores of the lake often become sleeping nests for cormorants. The local flora, thanks in part to a reforestation effort carried out in recent years, consists of eucalyptus, ash, dwarf palms, wild pears, wild olive trees, Aleppo pines, rushes, reeds and black poplar trees.


  • 105 Ha of organically farmed vineyards
  • 40 Ha of organically farmed olive groves

To avoid drift phenomena, the strips of land adjacent to the organically farmed fields are approached in the same way.

The fertility of the soil is guaranteed by the spreading of organic fertilizers (manure), produced directly by the company's livestock, thus improving the soil structure and contrasting erosion phenomena.

Whenever the recourse to other fertilizers is necessary, only organic compounds low in nutrient chemicals (in particular nitrogen and phosphorus) are used, to avoid contamination of the local bodies of water.

At Feudo Disisa we avoid the use of herbicides for the management of weeds, both in cultivated plots and in the various kilometers of farm roads, using only mechanical and manual means. To limit and minimize the use of pesticides on the farm, we resort to the use of pheromone traps for the fight against the moth and the buzzer of the vine and the olive, thus optimising treatments against fungal diseases exclusively according to their actual infectious potential. In addition, in the company we use special units for the detection of climate data.


  • 105 Ha of organically farmed vineyards
  • 40 Ha of organically farmed olive groves

To avoid drift phenomena, the strips of land adjacent to the organically farmed fields are approached in the same way.

The fertility of the soil is guaranteed by the spreading of organic fertilizers (manure), produced directly by the company's livestock, thus improving the soil structure and contrasting erosion phenomena.

Whenever the recourse to other fertilizers is necessary, only organic compounds low in nutrient chemicals (in particular nitrogen and phosphorus) are used, to avoid contamination of the local bodies of water.

At Feudo Disisa we avoid the use of herbicides for the management of weeds, both in cultivated plots and in the various kilometers of farm roads, using only mechanical and manual means. To limit and minimize the use of pesticides on the farm, we resort to the use of pheromone traps for the fight against the moth and the buzzer of the vine and the olive, thus optimising treatments against fungal diseases exclusively according to their actual infectious potential. In addition, in the company we use special units for the detection of climate data.


Agricultural activity around the ancient estate has had to contend with the problem of drought for centuries. In the Mother Church of Erice, a plaque commemorates the propitiatory rites which, since 1568, were staged to pray for rainfall. Therefore, preserving water resources for irrigation of fields and livestock watering has always been a priority for our productive reality. Over time the problem has been cleverly solved by creating small reservoirs which are able to collect rainwater and prevent it from being dispersed downstream, storing it for future use in the drier summer months.

Today 4 small basins guarantee the agricultural production of the farm. Furthermore, all the processing waters produced by the company’s manufacturing plants and stables, are treated, purified and put to good use in the fields. The weather monitoring stations located all over the vineyards also ensure optimal management of both the soil and irrigation.


of water used in the vineyards comes from rainwater reservoirs


of water used in the vineyards is decontaminated


From the early manufacturing stages of the product to its distribution, energy sources play a fundamental role in wine production, both when it comes to vineyard management and to all the activities performed in the cellar. Feudo Disisa is constantly engaged in the fight against climate change, thanks to an energy efficiency policy which is an integral part of the company’s production philosophy. Through the construction of a photovoltaic system, built in 2017, the company has made a 30% advancement towards total energy self-sufficiency.


Energy self-sufficiency

0,6 Kw

per wine bottle produced